Date Range Page of the Recalc Wizard

Use this page to select the date range that you want to use in recalculating costs.

Date Range

Field Description
Recalc all periods in your project. Select this option to recalculate costs for the entire project — from project start to project end. This allows for the change of historical data.
Recalc all periods after the current period. Select this option to recalculate costs for only those periods remaining after the status date. The recalculation process will not affect historical data.
Recalc costs in a specific date range. Select this option to recalculate costs for a specific date range.

Click in the From field to display the Date Lookup dialog box, where you can select the start date for the range that will be covered in recalculating costs.

Click in the To field to display the Date Lookup dialog box, where you can select the end date for the range that will be covered in recalculating costs.

Note: The Date Lookup dialog box displays the calendar period labels for Calendar Set 00.

Click Next to go to the Confirmation page, or click Finish to start recalculating costs.